Whew...it has been quite the few weeks. We are pretty far along in the moving process and it is starting to get to me. But I am getting ahead of myself.
First of all, I never updated you all on the success or utter failure of my DIY deodorant. After a few weeks of using it, I have to say the benefits far outweigh the quirks.
Assessment: Ridiculously easy to make.
It works REALLY well [although on days where I would work out or was sweating a lot, I would do a touch-up by mid-to-late afternoon].
It is easy to apply [if you don't mind using your fingers...which I don't, really.]
And if I had added a teensy bit more of the lemon essential oil it would smell super good. As it is, it smells of faintly lemony coconut oil. Which isn't a terrible smell.
Overall I give it a thumbs up, and will be making/using it again in the future. It has worked really well for Ben too [at least that is what he tells me...and my nose agrees]
Now that we are past the eval of my deodorant...
Back to the moving process. I have gotten to the point where I am antsy, wishing that the whole thing was done, and it is making me irrationally irritable. I look at the increasing mess in our house and have the urge to just pack everything in any avaible vehicle, drive to the new house, force the old tenants out, clean everything and move it all in. Tonight. After work. I'll stay up til 3 am if I have to. Because I just want it to be done. The waiting around is getting to me. The anticipation...not fun at all. Our house is completely disassembled, and in the hard work of it all, it hasn't settled in that we are actually leaving this house.
I get caught between needing to process, but knowing that if I let myself, I'll probably turn into a basket case and will cease to be useful. So I have to keep pressing on, and pushing that need for processing down until most of the hard work is done and I can just sit and have a good cry.
The only moment that I had where it started sinking in that we are going to be gone from here forever is when I sent Sierra home with Ben's mom after she helped me clean. [It was super sweet of her to offer that, as it helps a LOT]. But as I was putting her in their car, I realized that she has no idea that she will never be returning here...to her squirrel infested backyard, her favorite poop spots, the yummy grasses she munches. And I know she doesn't have sentiments like that, but I started feeling the loss for her.
Or maybe for me.
This is Ben and I's first house. And it will always be special because of that. Considering my history of hating change and sentimentality, I am actually pretty okay with this move...or so it seems right now. Normally I'd be crying a lot...because I get really attached to places. I think the Lord has helping me to learn this lesson over and over in many different ways. Places are important and help shape me during certain seasons of my life...but they aren't the end-all. And whatever new place I go, He goes with me, and it will be different but equally impactful in its own way.
I'll be honest...I forget this concept a LOT. And I get caught up in wanting to go back. Even in silly ways. We were going through files and knew I needed to get on a throwing rampage...just tossing things I've held on to but really don't need, save a special few. Things like getting rid of all of my college application/information stuff. Seeing the original sheet of paper that told me I was getting Jamie as a roommate (life changing moment, as my mom and I prayed over that name on that paper...and it turned out better than I could have imagined). Finding the first pamphlet I got about Biola and reliving those emotions I had looking at the pictures and reading about their programs and having this longing to be there for college. Finding the paperwork my Grandpa sent along with Simon [my truck] when I first went to AZ to buy him. Finding cards from friends who meant [mean] so much to me, but who I hardly talk to due to life circumstances.
I just want to go back. I just want to tell 16-22 year-old Suzy to soak it up and enjoy the minutes times 10 cuz it'll soon be gone.
But you know what? If I'm honest, I think I did enjoy the minutes times 10. I think I squeezed almost every drop of goodness out of those years. And they were just that...good. And they are also done.
And I have new minutes on the horizon. Ones that, if I'm not careful, I'll only enjoy times 2 because I am too busy trying to resqueeze the lemon that I done squeezed dry five years ago.
Does that even make any sense? I know I've written about this before...but unfortuntely this in an ongoing process for me. Or maybe fortunately...because it allows me...no, forces...prompts...pushes...nudges me back to the Father. Seeking him and his goodness in every season of life.
And as a wise man once said,
The best is yet to come.
Okay, enough ramblings from me...here's what you all came to see anyway =) PICTURES!
This is baby Noelle. She recently came home with her forever family and is such a sweetie. Shoutout to her birthmama who had so much courage when she decided to find a home for her little girl with the swell Matt & Marti!
It's a dogs life...
THE FIRST ROOM TAKEN APART! and done so organized too. That is one of the reasons I love Ben. He is so orderly.
Her tongue is one of the many ways Sierra is so unique
Ben, Joe, Sierra and Nan play basketball.
Seriously, the dogs were leaping and bumping the ball all around, it was fun to watch.
This is Fatty. Or Squeaks. Honestly, I have a hard time telling them apart unless Squeaks is...well...squeaking. He about scared me half to death when I was getting something out of the cupoboard and he meowed and rolled over.
Fresh raspberries from our backyard!
One day a few weeks ago, I had to meet up with my brother Jim and the kids for some car stuff, while I had Fischer and Violet. The four kiddos play so well together. Violet loves having someone who she can "mother" who enjoys it more than Fischer does =) Karlina is the perfect person for that. She adores Violet.
And she is so darn cute too.
This little man...looks so grownup with his haircut.
And even though Ender is a bit young still, Fisch has taken him under his wing and is teaching him the ins-and-outs of various ball games and does so quite patiently. It is really fun to see him step into that leadership role and shine.
McDonalds for a treat
My lil' buddy.
They have become friends =)
Jim and I really enjoyed watching them bond and become friends...it was really good for both sets of kids to be with kids that aren't necessarily their age.
When we left, Violet said, "Well that was just so much fun! we should do that again sometime."
Fischer is becoming quite the dishes man. Although sometimes I have to remind him to do the dishes IN the sink =)
After his first dish he said, "Oh wow, that is like, so easy!" Lets hope the novelty doesn't wear off too soon!
Ben's perfect omelet. I don't know how he does it. He actually made this one like a burrito, and then put it on a big roll for an omelet sandwich.
Went to Jim and Krissa's the other night and Kris had this great summer drink idea she got online. Grilled Palomas.
Such beautiful fruit.
And lots of fun grilling them too!
Whenever Krissa and I get together, we bring out each others "foodie" side. We get practically giddy looking up fun recipes and trying them out.
This is one of the reasons she is a great sister-in-law.
Speaking of yummy things...new favorite evening treat. I can only handle like two spoonfuls, but it is oh-so-delish.
Took this one swimming for the first time this summer at Lake Hiawatha. She loved it.
And didn't want to get out.
Yay for more boxes being organized in the guest room! (that is where most of our belongings are going so there is space in the rest of the house.)
Although our living room has collected quite a bit too... It now has our mattress since.....
Ben took apart the bed. We had to have the carpets professionally cleaned and so moved everything out of our room.
...and put most of it in here. All of our dressers, both beds (minus one mattress) and the majority of our belongings are all in this room.
Yesterday, Ben's mom and sister came to help get a headstart on the cleaning we have to do in order to get our deposit back. One of the things we did was move the futon up from the basement. My goodness that thing is a bear. Tried going up one staircase and got it mostly through before we realized it just wasn't going to make it. Had to back down the stairs and tried twice to get it out the basement door...which finally worked only after we figured out how to collapse it a bit more. Whew. we made a great team.
Last night, after an intense day of cleaning and packing, my Bible study friends decided to have a fun evening out by Lake Nokomis. We rented a Surrey and biked around the lake. It was a gorgeous evening. Getting out of the house, talking, laughing and praying was just what I needed.
I am blessed with such good friends!
Attempting to push the pedestrian walking button without getting off the bike...
It was a gorgeous sunset. Caught this magical moment with the setting sun, a sailboat in the background and the silhouette of a couple.
Another one of the sailboat in the sun's reflection...
Great way to be refreshed and ready for a new day today.
Next post will probably be pics of the new place...but may be a little bit as we are getting settled and my parents will be in town!!