Friday, March 16, 2012

really fantastic things

My life recently has one blessing after another. With all those wonderful messy life things sprinkled in. But hey, who's paying any attention to those anyway.

Back to blessings.

For example. I met a lady on the elevator who fawned over Sierra (this is not abnormal...she gets a LOT of fawning. funny story about that later.) Anyway, she mentioned in passing that she's home a lot and if I ever needed someone to check on Sierra, to let her know. well today I had a really long shift (7 hours) and wasn't quite comfortable leaving Sierra home alone that long. So I went to the 7th floor and talked with this lovely "neighbor" of mine. She offered to watch Sierra the whole evening and then bring her back about an hour before I got home from work. It was seriously a God thing. it worked out perfectly, and I could work the whole night with ease knowing my puppykins was being taken care of.

Aforementioned funny story: So in the evenings I take Sierra out for a pee/walk. she's getting used to her harness and leash, but looks so adorable bounding after me as we walk through the park across the street. Also on that block are a few bars/restaurants. There are always people out smoking or leaving or walking to and fro. Every night, without fail, I get asked at least 15 times (no joke) the same four questions:
1. Awww what kind of puppy is she? old is she?
3.What's her name? many times a night do people ask you these questions?

Then they pet her, and oooh and ahhhh over her, and show all their friends. And little Sierra just eats it up. she wags her curly tail, snuggles into their hands, gives a few friendly nips to show she loves them...

Tonight, this guy (who had obviously been drinking) was like, "I just can't take it. she is SOO cute. oh my gosh. SO cute! wow...that is amazing. Ok, I can't even look at her, i have to walk away." then he proceeded to tell his friends all about how amazing and great and adorable my dog was, all the while, almost hyperventilating. I thought he was going to have a melt down. cuz he was completely serious about his emotions over Sierra.

Back to blessings:
So remember a while back I told you about that one chef whose toes I may or may not have stepped on (figuratively)? Well tonight was confirmation that we are indeed buddies, and he holds nothing against me.
Scenario: winding down the night, then we get sat a bunch of tables all the sudden. The call goes out from the kitchen, "86 Terys" (that means we are out of the Teriyaki Tenderloin Appetizer-a real winner). So of course the first table I talk to after that news orders it. Alex (the particular chef being discussed) had come up to me before that and was like, look, we're thawing some Terys but it'll be at least 25 minutes until they're ready to be cooked. So I told that to my table and they said they'd wait. I went to the kitchen and told Alex and said they were willing to wait. Next thing I know, the MOD (manager on duty) comes up and says, "message from Alex...he wants me to tell you that he is making your Terys for you...but he doesn't have any other orders right now in case anyone else asks. yours will be up soon." I look toward the kitchen and he gives me a thumbs up and I nod, smile and give him a thumbs up back. Seriously, he didn't have to do that for me, but he did. And it was a peace offering. Me and him are good now. In fact, he's probably one of my favorite chefs.

More blessings: It is sixty-two degrees outside at 12:42 as I write this. READ THAT: 62!!!!! And there was a bit of a breeze, and it was quite possibly one of the most beautiful nights I've experienced in a while. I put on a dress that fluttered in the breeze, slipped on some flip-flops and walked my sweet puppy around. I just wanted to give the night a hug, because it made me feel home. *sigh* i really am a California girl.

This girl is a blessing. Went to IL and got to talk to her heart-to-heart a bit. I am truly thankful for her friendship. She is a beautiful person, inside and out. (This isn't to say I wasn't blessed by anyone else on that trip...I totally was. I have an amazing community of people around me. ) But seeing Katie all the way from Mexico is always a highlight.

This sweet thing is a HUGE blessing. her smile, animal noises, way she says "Deh-daaah" for Sierra, her squeals and laughter and her kissable cheeks. Seriously, I love her so much.

Another one: Safety walking to and from work.

One more: New baby niece/nephew on its way any time now

I just can't stop: yummy food in my cupboards

AH! sorry: parents who talk on the phone, send me packages, tell me they miss me. and a little brother who calls to chat or for advice. <3

God just keeps the blessings coming. I am overwhelmed at times. And every time I hit a bump in the road, I have these precious gifts to look back on and remember how much he cares for me. Thanks for sharing in the re-telling of these blessings and the sweetness of God. I hope it can encourage you to find the things in your life that God sends your way to remind you that you are beloved and delighted in by Him. and if you haven't ever taken the time to notice them, or didn't give credit where credit is due, I pray that your heart will turn toward Him with a grateful spirit for what he has done and continues to do for you!

1 comment:

Katie May said...

ohmuhgoodnesss i love your stories! sierra sounds perfect. your job sounds wonderful. your co-workers sound friendly. that mexican girl sounds pretty neat. wink. wink. your niece is precious. safety is awesome. food is so necessary and so tasty. your parents really are something special.

and so. are. you. <3 <3 xoxoxoxoxoxo.