Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I know that sort of title generally conjures up thoughts of significant moves across the country, babies, engagements and retirements. But none of those things apply to me. (well, I'm moving, but you already knew that)
So let your breath out. it's not that exciting. Well it is...because literary work is ALWAYS exciting. just not moving/babies/engagement/retirement exciting.


I have learned that if I am not inspired to write, I really shouldn't just make stuff up as I go along. Because then I end up with "train of thought in words" type posts. ugh. just embarrassing.

so, the week-long dry spell is up. and it is about to get busy up in here.

First, I would like to share with you a bit of information that delights me. you should know that when I open my fridge (or rather, mumzy's fridge), I am met with a tantalizing array of goodness that makes my taste-buds dance and my heart feel warm fuzzies.

1. hummus. both original and some sort of jalapeno-cilantro something-or-other. but seriously, it is one of my favorite snacks...or meal options. which I pair with my next favorite fridge inhabitant.

2. cucumbers. Call me crazy, but I loooove cucumbers. Mainly only the small japanese ones sold at the little Armenian produce store up the street from my house. (I'm sure they're sold elsewhere...like japan...but i like supporting local stores and tend to be loyal, biased and proud of it.)

3. 100% peach juice from trader joes. I cannot explain to you my love for juice. my mumzy knows to keep some on hand for me pretty much all the time. it really does bless me. and this succulent peach juice is no exception. mmm. like drinking...a peach. delightful.

4. A1. Also one of those things my mom keeps pretty much just for me. I am an A1 addict. pretty sure it goes with almost everything. (well...almost anything). I just love the tangy delicious flavor. I offered it to one customer once when he got his steak and he said, "By offering me A1 sauce, you're saying your steaks are not good just by themselves. a good steak doesn't need A1." And i thought to myself, "friend...EVERYTHING is better with A1." So don't tell the meat experts, but even with a succulent steak i really enjoy a slight dab of A1.

5. dill pickles. told you i loved cucumbers. (sadly, our fridge is out of these right now...) My favorite is the Claussen brand. They are not cooked like most pickles but are made fresh and kept refrigerated. Oh my goodness. fresh, crunchy, salty, flavorful. SO GOOD. mmmmyumm.

now that my mouth is watering...I'm going to move on to the next part of this blog.

Readers Pay Attention: Mini Blog series coming up starting TOMORROW (10/19)
title: Memoirs of a Psuedo Soccer-Mom.
genre: narrative/comedy/drama (really does depend on what happens)
reason: I'm going to be staying at my aunt and uncle's house while my aunt goes out of town. While my uncle wins the bread, I will be playing mom to their five boys (FIVE=5. one whole hand of fingers) ages 7-16. They are good kids...but have BUSY lives. Actually if I'm being fair, it should be titled, "Memoirs of a Psuedo Marching-Band-Mom" because that is what she is. She is one of my heroes for how she manages this family. But enough of that now. I'll go into more detail later.

Please feel free to come back and read about my adventures. Oh...and shoot a prayer up too maybe? Mainly that i can get up at an early hour (!) and keep things organized throughout the day. It has potential to be stressful...but I'm really excited about it!

Wow that font is big. but i'm not sure how to change it back to little. I keep trying and it WON'T WORK! oh well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find myself...on the edge of my seat, mouth watering! Waiting with bated breath!