Saturday, October 01, 2011

things that make my heart happy.

self explanatory:

the slightest hints of fall sneaking through the sweltering heat of summer.

a comforting hug.

any kind of hug.

little girls who want to play puppies and toy story.

cousins willing to help you out in a time of need.

riding in a convertible with the top down and music up.

heart-to-hearts with good friends.

delightful morsels of food that bring my taste palate alive.

bad kids that i can impact and help.

memories of amazing good times.

realizing (again) how wonderful God is and how patient and sovereign he is.

hand written notes.

unexpected text messages.

clear days and bold mountains.

public transportation.

sunset with a rainbow through it.

thunderstorms when it is almost 90 out.

in case i haven't made it perfectly clear, i live in a pretty fantastic place. no really. i do.
is it strange that i go places and do things and end up finding these perfect date ideas? seriously, if you ever need a date-guide for LA, let me know, because I've been coming up with the greatest repertoire and have pretty much no use for them (there's only so many kinds of date-nights one can go on with her brother or cousin)
i should probably write a little brochure.

that was totally random. my bad.

that is what you get when you mix 12:09 am with my brain.

wait a minute. news flash. it's october already. In fact, i had already posted this blog and now i'm going back and editing it because i need to mention that SEPTEMBER IS DONE.
how is time flying SO fast? seems like just yesterday...

...well too much stuff seems like just yesterday.

i suppose i shall learn to not take these days for granted. my time here is short and i don't want to miss it or let it fly by. cuz before you (or i) know it...i'll be exiled to the siberia of North America for a legitimately interesting adventure. between now and then, i could use suggestions on wardrobe modifications from those who have lived and survived sub-zero temperatures.

until i have something more inspiring or humorous to write...i'm signing off. i just feel bad going too many days without an update =P


Anonymous said...

Here are my ideas for surviving the cold, given by a California girl transplanted to Illinois.
1. Forget the cute little coats your friends will be wearing in the freezing weather. They are adjusted to the cold. You aren't. Think big, heavy, and DOWN feathers. Bite the bullet and spend the money. It's worth it.
2. Wear many layers. Cuddle Duds are your friend.

3. Ignore people who are constantly saying, "Oh, Suzy, how are you DOING? You must be FREEZING!" This is from people standing right next to you. Ignore them because they will annoy you because you'll be doing just fine in your cuddle duds, multiple layers and down coat, and you aren't complaining.
4. Embrace the adventure.
Love you!

Katie May said...

when in doubt - buy a million adorable scarves.