Tuesday, February 16, 2010


As of this week, winter as we know it here in California is officially over. That's not to say it won't come back in a few days, but for now its basically over. We went from freezing nights (literally) and lots of rain which blanketed our beautiful mountains with a layer of white goodness to balmy, cloudless 75 + degree weather. In less than a week.
But how can I complain? the palm trees sway in the breeze, I can bask in the warmth and wear short-sleeves and flip-flops. there is no room for complaints.

Ok, that is not completely true. there's lots of reasons i COULD complain. But I am not going to. I shall simply state facts.

School has begun full swing. Spring Semester 2010. It has such a nice ring to it. especially since it means i'm just one step closer to being done with this mosh pit they call college.
But in reality, God has really blessed me this semester. I am taking some amazing classes with some wonderful professors.
-Foundations of Christian Thought (Why we believe what we do based on Scripture)
-Theology 1 (Full on study of God) with JP Jones. And I have to say, sitting in his class for three hours once a week is a complete pleasure. I have never felt the pressure of academics fade so much in a Bible class as when I'm listening to him speak.
-Biology: just general GE requirement lecture class. I am so thankful this prof recognizes we are all just there to get our credit and get out, so he makes it as painless as possible. no homework, just weekly quizzes based off of lecture notes.
-Ethnicity and Minority Groups: Basically we talk about Race, racial tension, ethnocentrism, why we are the way we are and make distinctions based on color etc... a very challenging and mind-stretching class
-Juvenile Delinquency: taught by my all time favorite teacher who is pretty much amazing. We discuss children, crime, and her job as a supervisor for probation officers (what I want to be).
-Weaponless Self-Defense: I saved this one til last so I could say the most about it. It is a PE fulfillment, but also comes in handy given the line of work I would like to do. But this is no karate class. This is full on life-or-death self-defense. It is no game at all. Our coach is amazing, funny but very serious about what he does. (if that makes any sense...) And we learn moves that we only use when there is death, rape or terrible injury that could occur. This is not about social fighting.
Social fighting is what occurs when someone wants to establish rank. I'm better than you, stronger than you, faster than you and deserve more than you. Asocial fighting is when rank is not considered, and you are being viewed solely as an object that has something to be stolen, or violated sexually. My coach said that the ironic thing is, people who take this training are least likely to get attacked. They carry themselves confidently and do not look approachable or like an easy target. And if you think my 5'3", 130 lb person can't hurt someone who is twice my size, think again. When I am done with this class, I will have potential to be dangerous. Now my parents can rest safely that I will not go down without a fight. =)
(p.s. any further clarifying questions on this matter may be directed at me)

Anyways, my two Bible classes are concentrated doses of basic Christian doctrine and theology. It is so refreshing to go back and learn the fundamental truths about God as he tells us about them in Scripture. I am once again held in awe of how glorious our God is. He is with all, in all, above all and surrounding all. He is loving, wrathful, just, merciful. Interesting thing that was touched on tonight in Theo 1 is the concept of God's wrath. It says in Romans 1 (and i paraphrase here..) that the wrath of God is revealed against those who suppress the truth in unrighteousness. Atheists have to work hard to suppress the evident truth of who God is. And when they do that, God allows the natural consequences of their choices to come about. He isn't personally punishing them or letting out his anger towards them like an abusive father might to his children who bother him, but rather he doesn't stop decisions that have bad consequences due to the presence of Satan and evil in the world. I found that very interesting.

Now that this is like, the wordiest blog ever...and you're probably wondering where all these words come from...I shall come to a close.

I was encouraged to continue updating, and trust me, I think of it quite regularly. But i will make time for it! I do enjoy writing very much!
peace and love (of the Father) be with you always!