Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Full Circle

Well it appears as though I have come full circle.  About a year ago, I moved into the basement of a family from church for a few weeks until J&K moved out of the loft and into their new home.  As of last weekend, I am moved out of the loft (J&K are hoping to sell it soon) and back into the same basement I called home when I first came here.

But not for long.

GOOD NEWS!  Ben and I recently got a house to rent in the beautiful area of Lakes Hiawatha and Nokomis in South Minneapolis. I am (we are) REALLY excited.  We were driving through the neighborhood and before I even saw the house I knew I wanted to move there.  After we looked through it, though, we were both sold.  Definite perks include:
-the location (near lakes, near ben's work, near a park, cute shops and restaurants and stores)
-Sierra-proof (fenced in backyard, unfinished basement with concrete floors and hardwood floors on the main level)
-has LOTS of character (bright blue kitchen walls with black-and-white tile, fun architecture and definitely cozy!)

Basically it's everything we wanted =)  Our move-in date is March 1st, and so I'll definitely be getting some pictures of it as soon as I can!
(oh, and when I say "our,"  I mean "my" move-in date.  I'll be living there by myself until May-ish.  Then I'm going to california until my wedding and Ben will move in.  Then post-wedding, we'll make it officially "our" abode!)

Anyway, it's been a fun and busy season of life for us!  I'm working a lot, wedding planning, fitting in a social life and it is actually making the time FLY by.  Can't believe we've been engaged almost 4 months!

On to pictural representation of my life!

 Sierra curled up in the middle of my bed giving me the, "you're not actually gonna make me move, right?" face.

 This is Kavya.  She is one well-fed baby.  Like, seriously well-fed.  But she's so adorable too =)

 Found a cute and yummy eatery near our *new* home. =) I enjoy fun date nights with Ben. 

It's called "Citizen's Cafe" and they brand their buns with a C*.  So cute. 

I was going through my wallet and receipts and realized that we (Me and Karlina) eat at Chipotle a lot.  And we pretty much get the same thing every time.

 Karlina's new favorite face.  

Playin' in the snow!  it was a 34 degree day and was actually enjoyable to be outside. 


 Ender pulling himself up and standing wherever he can!  Mobility just means I need to always be watching...oh, and keep the floor swept!

 Seriously, she does the face a lot.  I told her she looked like an Angry Bird and so now she'll say "angry birds!" and make the face...then bust up laughing.  So cute.

 Probably my favorite rhyming children's book outside of Dr. Suess.  Really fantastic book.  I recommend it. 
 This page has my favorite line: 
He went and found a Manta ray
A Jazzy friend of his
Who told young Max, "Be cool little dude,
And groove on who you is."

Karlina singing a song called "Arms."  The line she was singing was, "You put your arms around me and I'm home."  with hand motions and everything =)  

Oh and in case the populous of blog-world cared to know...Miss K put her poopies in the potty for the FIRST TIME for auntie!  It was a glorious and well-celebrated event!  lots of hugs, high-fives, dance parties, treats and a sticker on the potty chart!  YAY!  I was very proud of her! 

Anyway, I'm off to exercise Sierra before a busy night at work! 
see you all soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, I noticed this has been up a few days and there are no comments...don't loose heart suzy-Q we're all still reading/stalking. Keep it up!