That's how many page views I have. Say whaaaaat? It feels like a large number. And is sort of crazy to me. When I started blogging, literally only like five people read it. Now I feel like I have a bit of a following. Err...had. Not sure how many of my readers dropped me like a hot potato when I started going weeks between postings. Ah well. Such is life. Here, lets try this (and i pre-apologize for the seeming desperation in my tone):
IF YOU READ MY POST, POST A COMMENT. IT CAN BE ANONYMOUS (though I don't prefer it). JUST DO IT. it will make us all feel better. Well, probably just me. And 89.9% of you won't do it anyway. make that 99.9%
I don't ask for much in life. just a simple acknowledgement to know that my writings aren't in vain and just floating off into cyber-world.
But I do have to say, I totally wish I was a writer for a living. I enjoy it a lot. But I have a feeling I'd run out of things to write about. Hmm.
Anyway. Tonight at Bible study, we were talking about Ruth and Naomi and putting ourselves in Naomi's position when she said that God had dealt bitterly with her because her husband AND two sons had died.
Basically I'd feel gypped. It would seem so unfair. I wouldn't understand what it all meant. And I'd wonder if I did something wrong or why God was doing this to me.
But interestingly, it isn't recorded that Naomi fell on the ground pounding her fists in the dirt and asking God, "WHY ME!?"
One of my friends Crystal told us that one of her classmates is from Africa. He said that in third-world countries, bad stuff is expected to happen. It is inevitable. So those who are believers learn how to know God in the bad instead of wondering "why?"
We are kind of unfamiliar with this here in the US. We are an entitled people. Even those really poor third-world people who come here searching for the "American Dream." They expect once they are living here, nothing will go wrong. Those of us who live here and have very blessed lives tend to ask, "Why?!" A lot more often than I suppose those in other countries do.
This isn't based on scientific study...just observation. But i think it's true.
I want my attitude to be like David in the Psalms. Be frustrated. Be hurt. Be angry. Be bitter. Those are initial reactions that often times we can't help. But talk to God about it. Most of the Psalms where he is pouring out his lamentations about how stupid life is is all communication with God. He trusts God with his potentially yuckiest of emotions. Emotions that could fester and bring him down. But he is a man after God's own heart. He sought God and acknowledged Him...and praised him. Even in the storm.
He says it, right in Psalm 142:1
With my voice I cry out to the LORD;
with my voice I plead for mercy to the LORD.
I pour out my complaint before him;
I tell my trouble before him.
When my spirit faints within me,
you know my way!
with my voice I plead for mercy to the LORD.
I pour out my complaint before him;
I tell my trouble before him.
When my spirit faints within me,
you know my way!
That's how I want to be.
Got this awesome scarf from my cousin for Christmas. It's my favorite and I wear it ALL the time. 100% wool. J.Crew. A-mayyyzing.
Oh what a great group of guys. This is our night cooking crew repping the Wild hats.
This is one of the little boys at the elementary school I work at. Just wanted you to see his hair.
Oh yeah, and he's in kindergarten.
Wish my hair grew that much that quickly.
Our countdown continues. And in case you were wondering...we still love each other ;)
Valentines Day card + BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT! I'm gonna be an Auntie all over again! on the OTHER side of the family! So exciting! =)
Had thai food with my friends. This was Michelle's fortune. it was like, really?!
With my future sister-in-law, Rose. We went to Joe's (future brother-in-law) basketball game.
He's very athletic and scored a majority of the points for his team.
All of my earthly possessions under the desk in Ben's room.
Just waiting for March 4th...which is when I move into *our* house!!
Found this on the shelf at Ben's house. was my favorite Nancy Drew mystery. Me and my friend Kaeli used to read it together.
We thought it was hilarious and odd that there were two women in the book named "Gay" and "Maud." Give us a break...we were probably 9.
ENDER CAN STAND ON HIS OWN! and has even taken a few steps. But he has become a speedy crawler and so chooses that as his mode of transportation.
One of the cool things about winter...(pun fully intended)...icicles.
And ice all around the plants. Lots of ice.
So my fiance plays violin. Really well. In an orchestra that is super legit and sounds WAY wonderful! I am so proud of him!
Above: Everyone (including Executive and Sous chefs) standing around watching the game
Below: Jeremie (awesome manager) gets behind the counter to make some salads while the guys prep. He's a hands-on kind of manager. That's why we like him.
Most girls might like chocolates, flowers and an expensive dinner out]... Not me! (well, i could always use, out, expensive, cheap...don't matter to me.) But thankfully my fiance knows me better than that. while I was at work, Ben came over to the house I'm staying at and set these on my pillow. It was so sweet. And after a long night at work, it was just the perfect thing.
Day at the mall with the kidlets! They are so cute and so much fun!
Blessings on your week!