Sunday, November 02, 2008

hmm. who would have thought.

So i guess this means I get to do random questions as well! YAY ME! There's supposed to be seven. but shhh i'm gonna sneak one in before i share my random seven... ok, here it is. ready? i love...let me emphasize, LOVE answering random questions.


Tidbit #1: I read, re-read and re-re-read books. [up to like four "re-'s"] i just get so much more out of them the second, third, fourth and fifth times i read them. Some books are just worth it. I never get tired of them. I love the characters, the story and everything else about them.

Tidbit #2: as much as i love sunshine, i LOVE rain and cloudy days and wind. It makes me want to curl up in bed and just listen to the rain. I love bundling up and wearing jackets and scarves and gloves. [even though we don't normally EVER get to that point in california...this is why I have farmed out my brothers to REALLY cold areas of the country. they thought it was for their job or their wives jobs...but no. its a conspiracy. i did it. just to satisfy my cold-weather fettish]

Tidbit #3: I dislike a lot of things "normal" girls are supposed to like. and in WHAT rule-book do we find this? i don't like chocolate, shopping, shoes, decorating, etc...

Tidbit #4: i could go to work at a restaurant for the rest of my life and never EVER go back to school. and be totally and completely ok with that.

Tidbit #5: i hate walking up stairs one at a time. i always skip one. Because...well...its not cuz my legs are long. mostly because it goes faster. and is less tedious. i don't know. and when i go down stairs, i tend to not step on the last three...i just sort of jump.

Tidbit #6: As much as i wish i had grown up with sisters, I am glad i didn't. i love my brothers. And now i just get rad sister-in-laws to do all the fun grown-up girl stuff with. and we don't even have all that sibling stuff to get in the way! YAY!

Tidbit #7: sometimes i talk in text-message language. I'll say "brb" [be right back], "idk" [i don't know], "btw" [by the way] and some other ones. it bothers people. it bothers me. but, but it just sort of happens. maybe i should to to TA [Texters Anonymous].

So now you know! and don't you For-GET- IT!


--John.and.Amy said...

you dork. you WOULD just love random facts. They made me chuckle reading them. You make me chuckle. I miss you and chuckling with you.
okay then.

Anonymous said...

well, that was random...and cute. A good mixture of honesty, integrity and mystery! Probably raised more random questions than you randomly answered. Silly girl!