Monday, July 18, 2011

On the Road Again!

The epic adventure has begun. We are currently at our first stop, Arizona. Now...i don't question God for why he made such a miserably hot place on this earth. I just question why he made people who are crazy enough to live here.

just kidding. it's not that bad. well, sort of. Look at this.

And it's only 10:15 in the morning. RIDICULOUS. Good thing we love the people here a LOT. =)

We are here for a short few days, but we're packing a lot in! Simon is getting a check-up tomorrow just to make sure he's all in working order. And we're just doing a lot of family bonding, fellowshipping, eating, swimming and avoiding the furnace that is the great outdoors!

Honestly, after I got in my truck and drove away from Pasadena, this feeling washed over me. I can't really describe it. But it was one of overwhelming freedom and also the weight of responsibility at being headed across the country. There was also this humble feeling to know that I was at the mercy of my truck, the elements and the hospitality of many people. (I know, I know...I'm at the mercy of God and we are in his hands. But one does tend to feel small when faced with those kinds of things) God has sure opened lots of doors and blessed us immensely to be able to do this.

Here is some documentation of the trip so far:

These are the girls that I'm traveling with! Tasha is on the left and Heather is on the right. They are sisters. It definitely makes for some good times! =)

So the cute little "Huck-Fin" style satchel that I am carrying over my shoulder was a creative gift from good friend Drew. He packed it full of fun little things to make our trip more memorable. Everything from chewing gum to a Frisbee, from a squirt gun to make sure drivers don't fall asleep to a camera tripod. and everything in between. There was even an instructional list on how to make the best usage of all the enclosed goodies.

Here we are. All packed and ready to go. Simon is so handsome, if I do say so myself. Actually...I'm gonna confess something to you. You can think I'm weird if you want to. (most people already do). But those very few of you who know what I'm talking about will appreciate this. The rest of you can shake your head and recommend a good therapist.

Maybe it is because he used to belong to my grandpa. Maybe it is because he's my first vehicle. Maybe it is because he actually has a name. But I have bonded with my truck. we have spent some long hours together...just me and him. I've prayed, cried, laughed, sang, pounded his steering wheel in frustration, practiced what I'll say to people, stared out the window deep in thought. We've experienced life together. I know he is inanimate, but I have bonded with my truck. And those of my friends who know me and Simon know how awesome he is and how much he means to me. They all call him by name and they love riding around in him (at least that's what they tell me).
And when I miss my Grandpa, I just sit in Simon and look around and picture all the places my grandpa went in him. It helps me remember all the great things i love about my Grandpa.
That is why, even though he gets "terrible" gas mileage, and isn't the most suave looking thing in the world...there is no other vehicle I'd rather trek across the United States with.

As we take more pictures and have more stories, I'll update again!

For a parting verse comes to mind that my wonderful Aunt Sue taught me in Sunday School. I think of it everytime I travel.
"The Lord watch between you and me when we are absent from each other"
[genesis 31:49]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awwww...if it weren't for cell phones, I'd be so lonesome already! Thanks for sharing your heart and your road trip! Wish I had that extra spot in the back seat!