Monday, August 01, 2011

House of God, forever.

[I always thought church was only about reading the Bible and singing and praying. and I felt bad for being so excited about seeing people and fellowshipping.
But then.
i realized that there is more to the House of God than merely going through religious motions. It is gathering with your brothers and sisters in Christ and worshiping God. ]

Here it is. One of my absolute favorite sundays of the year. (This year, I actually get TWO of them!) I am excited. I am apprehensive. For all of my social inclinations, I tend to back off in large settings like this and get a little shy. There are so many people I want to see. I am greeted by a nice man I've never seen before with a newsboy hat and a fantastic tie.

And so it begins. *deep breath*

I catch the eye of that one girl from Illinois across the foyer...oh what was her name? It is an awkward split-second as we decide if we know each other well enough to say hi or just merely break eye contact and go on our ways.

we break eye contact. It's just easier that way.

I see a little girl holding on to her daddy's hand, looking shyly at me from behind his leg. I know her from last year, but she has grown so much. I give a little wave. She's not sure she recognizes me, but she smiles anyway and then buries her head in her arm.

I follow my sister-in-law into the nursery (she is in charge of watching kids today). I decide I'll watch the people coming into church from there and when i see someone I know, I'll go find them.

A former girls-camp counselor walks into the baby room. She was in her early twenties and single when I knew her for that incredible weekend in high school. Now she has a handsome husband and BEAUTIFUL baby perched on her hip. we say hi...but it is one of those things where we've both grown and changed so much, we aren't the people we used to be. but it is so nice to see her face and see where she is at in life.

Finally i see the faces of some very dear people to me. as they get out of the car and walk toward church, I leave the baby room and stand inconspicuously by the coat closet. Scanning the room, I see so many people I know. But they are all engrossed in Sunday-morning conversations. Somewhere in the background someone gives off a song in the sanctuary. The strains of a hymn filter out, mostly carried by the "faithful fifteen" (or in Altadena, the faithful four) who are in church promptly at 10:00 for singing.

My cousin who is living there for the summer is one face I've been looking forward to seeing. He makes eye contact with me and walks straight over. We don't say anything. just hug. familiarity will do that to you.
he has whales on his tie. that is how awesome he is.

I catch the eyes of some close friends and nod at them. we make a silent agreement with our eyes to meet at the lunch hour for a hug and a quick catch-up session.

Then I see her.

One of the most familiar and dear faces to me. One I associate with love, hugs, sweetness, motherhood and home. Her back is to me as i walk toward her. I call out her name as there are people hustling and bustling about. She turns and stops for just a breath of time before gathering me into one of her comforting embraces.

She doesn't let go.

I don't want her to.

She is saying something, but I am not really taking it in. This hug was just what I needed. Being so far from my mom and missing her, this came at just the right time. There is no awkward small-talk here. just a hug. and some tears. Right away she states, "You're sitting with me." There is no question. But that's ok, because there is no one else I want to sit with.

We go into church and sit down. A man I am familiar with stands to start the service. He begins with a challenge, a thought-provoking question. Then there is Scripture read. He is so wise. I admire his leadership, teaching, passion and love for Christ. He also loves these people in this church. You can tell.
And he is one of my dad's friends and comrades in church leadership...and that is always endearing.

The other minister is sitting slightly behind the first. I know him well too. In fact, he is the husband of the woman sitting by my side. He doesn't know I'm here yet. As he scans the people in the pews, he glances briefly at me and his gaze almost moves on and then a light of recognition colors his eyes. His face brightens with a grin and he mouths, "good morning!" to me. I nod an acknowledgment and smile. Already I am anticipating a dinner-time talk that always seems to happen when I'm at his house. Questions, challenges, wisdom, God, laughter, seriousness. That anticipation makes me smile too.

A message is shared. A prayer is prayed. hymns are sung. my soul is moved. my heart is happy. my spirit calmed.

and I think to myself,
there is no other place I'd rather be then here.

i love this place.
i love this church.
i love these people.
i love that it is all because of God.


Peggy said...

This is an INCREDIBLY sweet blog post and brings tears to my eyes. You have described me to a "T". I LOVE people, I love social interactions and am generally outgoing but when I'm away from home in a large group of people that I may or may not know very well, I tend to want to stand "inconspicuously" by the coat rack. Thankfully, God has put John in a position that requires me to travel often and put myself out there. I am still not comfortable with it, but I have learned that as uncomfortable as I am that the people around me often are too. When I make the effort to be a friend, I make new ones every time. I am so glad that you had a sweet mommy hen take you under her wing yesterday! It just sets the world back rightly on it's axis. I know I am always very thankful when that happens to me.
Love you...I hope you have a great week making new friends and rejuvenating old friendships too.

Anonymous said...

aww're wired much like your mama, and you articulate it well. Isn't it something that those same arms that hugged you, welcomed me in that very church when I was your age...and having a summer adventure!?! Over the years God has sweetened...strengthened relationships and included the next generation. How awesome is that?! You are loved, my girl, may it sink deeply into your heart!

Anonymous said...

Love you so much, Suzy! You write so well!!

Hope your summer and trip is going/has gone well. So great seeing you! I miss everybody so much.

Dan L.