Sunday, April 13, 2014

the end of the story

So I realized that I left my blog on a kind of sad note...and I wanted to fix that.
There is a happier end to the story that happened like a day or two after I wrote that last post.  The social worker at the school caught me as I was passing her office in the hallway and said, "Suzy! I have some information on Darius that I thought you would be interested in."  My heart instantly felt relieved and SO excited that she actually made an effort to keep me informed.  She went on, a huge smile on her face, "So apparently Darius is doing SO well in his day program.  They figured out some of his problems, got him on some medication, and it is a night and day difference.  His mom no longer dreads taking him out in public, and you know what?  They are even working on a plan to transition him back into school here!  I just thought you would want to know, since you worked with him the majority of his last days here and you put so much effort into that relationship." was so good to hear.  He didn't just disappear into oblivion.  I got to find out the rest of the story.  And hopefully as he transitions back, I'll be able to work with him some more.  =)

I was going to post some happy pictures, but we just got a new tablet to replace my laptop, and we're still figuring out how to get pictures on it....
OH WAIT. i just did it. i think. hold on.  THERE we go.  Enjoy =)

This was the assembly at school.  This is the 5th grade drumline...they were fantastic.  

This picture is for my mother dearest.  She has been trying forever to get me to drink green smoothies.  And for some reason they just really grossed me out...Probably just couldn't get past the color.  Well I've been on sort of a healthy eating kick (sort of, being the operative words...) and so I decided to give naked juice's green machine a try.  And it wasn't too bad.  So mom, get ready to break out the green smoothies again when I come visit later this week =)

ah yes..week one of April, we get a awesome snow storm (8 inches).  And even though it melted in the next few was a little depressing.

This oh my, is he cute.  When he puts on his sunglasses he says, "I'mma cool dude!"  And it's just too cute.

not the most flattering picture, but it was the best one I got of her swinging...still a beauty!

In this picture, Miss K is chasing Sierra on her trike.  Oh what fun it was to watch. 

This little guy mastering coordination and doing well at it. 

Giving Sierra hugs! 

More of the swings.

One night, Tanya came over to hang out with me and the kids...She is so good with them! and they totally love her too.

Candy Land!  Actually getting more fun as she plays following the rules...mostly. 

To set up the next picture, a story: The other night, Ben and I got home and found a long-awaited, much dreaded situation.  Sierra was out of her kennel.  Our kennel is an X-pen (a sort of fence) that sections off part of the basement.  We always put her in there at night and when we are out of the house...because she can get into puppy trouble.  A few months ago, she began sleeping free in the house, but we still locked her up during times when we were gone.  
Until now.  
She must have climbed over the fence (not an easy feat) and got some fur caught in the top.  Since we didn't want her risking broken limbs or cuts or other painful things, we decided to take the leap and let her stay free in the house while we were gone.  Day 1 was while Ben was gone on a business trip.  I did a walk-through before I left in the morning to hide or put away anything she might find tempting to chew up.  
And it was quite sucessful.  It has been going on a week and I have yet to see one thing messed with.  
She did, however find a new napping place.  
Hence, this photo:

I couldn't find her one day, and looked all over, until I heard her collar jangle.  I found her curled up in the back of our semi-walk-in closet.  my dresses twisted around her, and my shoes beneath her.  she was so cozy looking...
But this past saturday I was cleaning out my closet of old clothes and found that everything had dog hair on it.  So I washed all the clothes, vacuumed the closet floor and now the door remains shut so she can't go back in there.  She must have found another adequate napping spot, as she still stays out of trouble while we're gone!  
YAY for the next step of maturity!

This is a picture from our night out celebrating my 25th birthday (YES, I'm 25...can't hardly believe it!)
Ben took me to one of my favorite clothing stores so I could show him a shirt I liked...and he ended up buying me like two whole outfits!  What a guy. 
Anyway, when we walked in holding hands, the sales lady was like, "You two are SO cute!  you're all smiley and happy!  how long have you been together?"
We told her we had been married a little over 9 months and she exclaimed even louder, "That is even BETTER! Man, I wish I could take a picture of you two!"
So we had her take one.  She suggested the mannequin be in the background so that we would remember we were at her store.  
I personally think it is a creepy photo-bomb.  
Anyway...It was nice, and made us smile and feel happy.

And that is really all the updates I have as of of right now.  
We head to CA on Thursday, and I am so excited!  It has been almost a year since I was back there, and I miss it so.  It will be good for my heart to be in familiar places, with some of my favorite people!

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