Monday, August 13, 2007

Ain't it good to be back home again...

How, you ask, did an entire summer go by and I only posted once! Tis sad, I know. But I had other things taking up my precious time. Like endless games of ultimate frisbee. Like doing enough corn to make me almost go crazy. Like socializing more than I normally do with large amounts of ACs. But I do have to say, I'm not going to regret it. Although my body was sore from the exertion, I am now almost a truly domesticated farm-girl, and I am sure I know the social ins and outs of being a midwest AC, I came away fuller, well rounded, and ready to take on a new chapter in my life.

I actually just returned home a short five hours ago. And I have to say that even though I will miss my life in the country, I will always and forever, even if it is obscured deep down, be a city girl. This morning in the hotel room, I sort of panicked at this random thought that I wouldn't make it home. It was a tragic thought and so I simply lifted my love for California up to God and told him that if it was in His will, that I would like to have my bare feet touch western soil once more before my pilgrim journey is ended.

And it was. His will, that is. I stepped out of the plane LAX, only to have balmy (humidity-less) 76 degree weather greet my face, cars galore, variety in scenery, palm trees and a true sunset on a true beach. (not one of those Lake Michigan beaches, either.)

Thank you to all who helped make my trip memorable. I have learned so much. God is good.
Now, life will go on, but the memories and good times shared over 4+ weeks away from home will forever be locked in the depths of my heart.

1 comment:

Kyle W. Reinhard said...

well, you have changed our lives too! you will forever be remembered, and you will always have friends out in the "Midwest". your enthusiasm and attitude was always a constant reminder of how fruit should be produced and displayed. God Bless!