Thursday, October 04, 2012



ok I'll be done with the caps.  Seriously though.  Yesterday it was 80.  Today it was 52 and the perfect description of blustery.  kind of overcast, kind of patchy blue skies occasionally.  brisk wind blowing all the yellowed leaves onto the ground.  Nippy air.  Cold chapped fingers and lips.  

It's kind of fun.  Kind of.  Until I realize that this is just the beginning of a VERY long 6-7 months.  An amount of time I'm not sure I'll survive.  Oh look at me, being all dramatic.  *sigh*  I suppose I'll survive.  But you have to understand, I'm surrounded by people who are in love with this time of year.  and when I say in love...I mean it.  They "ooh" and "ahhh" and give me lists upon growing lists of why fall/winter is so fantabulous.  They tell stories and give me tips and pointers.  They take every opportunity to rub it in that this season is fast approaching and it's the best. thing. ever.  

I think it's supposed to convince me to think like them. but in reality, it makes me want to dig in my heels and REBEL!!!  I will NOT like winter.  I will NOT like the cold.  I will FOR SURE buy me a sun-lamp and a wall-to-wall beach poster and a lapping-wave-sound-machine.  

In preparation for this magnificent (?) time of year, I bought me some gloves with fingers that can still text on my phone!  This is my favorite purchase so far.  I mean, seriously. the worst part about gloves is that you used to have to remove them to do anything on a touch-screen phone.  BUT NOW...with geniuses using their minds to create new and wonderful inventions...I can keep my dedos warm AND use my iPhone.  brillllllllliant!

Alright. pictures.  

So these lovely bugs are called....ugh, i actually don't remember. But they are black and orange. They fly. Kind of.  They mainly sit in clumps on white surfaces.  
JUST GOOGLED IT.  boxelder bugs.  bleh.  They're like Junebugs in CA.  
Everywhere. All the time. clinging. walking. flying. nasty. 

Miss K loves giving Sierra hugs.  She sits on her back and just cuddles her.  Sierra lets that's good.  

Oh this delightful puppy.  Who can contort into weird shapes.  She's crazy. 

 Case in point.  She apparently did not like my late band's first album. 

 Love these fall days with the kiddos.  This one was warm enough to be barefoot...pretty sure that's changed for good now. 

 Here we are waiting for Simon to get his oil changed.  I'm not even going to say how long it's been.  Every time I would get in and drive I'd think that maybe I'd blow up.  (not quite sure what happens when you don't change your oil for.... HA. you thought I was gonna tell you how long. too bad.)  But now I can drive safely without fearing for my life.  And poor Simon is finally in good health. 

 This past week a family from church was helping their neighbors host a Cross Country Pasta Dinner.  I went over to lend my services.  As it turns out, I didn't do much...but it sure was fun to be included in this event.  I can't really explain it, but being a part of these people's everyday lives/events makes me feel more at home...
Anyway, these are all the shoes in the front entry way.  It was quite the sight. 

 Karlina trying on Mommy's high-heels.  Krissa always wears the highest heels and walks so well in them.  Karlina was having a bit of trouble...but felt very proud of herself.  

 She wanted to do all these things with the heels on.  Apparently it made her feel grown up.  One of the things she wanted to do was kiss Ender.  You can see him pre-cringe and her barely able to balance.  Thankfully the kiss happened without her head-butting him.

 Oh the leaves.  This is one of the glorious things about the changing of the seasons.  I can't get enough!  I love driving places and looking at all the colors.  In fact, I sometimes drive past my destination and go around the block or something so I can see more trees.  So beautiful. 
 This is the entrance to the dog park.  Today was so glorious there.  Cool and windy with brilliant colors. 

 This is a branch that extends a foot or two past each dog's mouth.  They were having so much fun playing tug-of-war.   As I watched them I tried imagining why pulling as hard as you could on a branch using just your mouth would be this much fun.  hey...whatever floats their boat, eh?

 sky and clouds. 

Birch trees (at least I think that's what they are)

 See how beautiful it is!?  I absolutely love coming here and walking, singing, thinking and praying.  

So maybe fall isn't too bad.  I am learning to enjoy each day for what it holds...and not think too far into the future.  =)

Tune in soon for a post about the deeper thoughts of life that I've had lately.  =)


Anonymous said...

Don't worry you aren't alone! Winter is terrible. Fall is great because of the colors, the crisp air, and apple orchards. Everything is beautiful in the winter, otherwise I think most people would be okay without it. We pretend we like it though, its the Minnesota nice in us, we make the most of everything :)

Anonymous said...

I wanna see the gloves! Get a new iphone 5 and you can just talk...keep your Minnesota-frozen fingers all bundled up. I hear it can even take some Spanish "heysoos!" Ha!

Anonymous said...

My my dearest procrastinating petroleum provider you...brings to mind a quote learned in my youth...

"What Mr. Briggs didn't know about the internal combustion engine, Mr. Stratton did"

Fortunately they passed their knowledge on to those of us who were of a mind to study such a wonderful invention and help keep the next generation in reliable transportation.

Engines 101: What Mstr. G and Mstr. K learned at a young age, is that an engine, emptied of oil, with the throttle wired wide open... well, things just begin coming apart...

Leading to the scientific deduction: Oil is the life blood of the internal combustion engine!!!

With all of the reciprocating and combustionating going on, there needs to be constant lubrication. Clearances are designed between moving parts to provide a film of oil that lubricate, cool and clean. When the oil level is too low or becomes old and dirty, these life sustaining properties break down and lead to premature wear, and in extreme cases to your "blowing up" scenario. In environments which are inhospitable to (wo)man and machine (ie. the northern mid-west winters) it is MOST critical that Simon's oil supply is kept in top condition. A $29.95 oil change (at mfgs. recommended intervals) is the best dollar for dollar investment you can make in your trusty transporter (and, I dare say, in life in general!)

In all fairness, I must mention one small positive to your procrastination....Failure to change your oil will support a most worthwhile cause... keeping the struggling, local engine re-builder in business. The likes of which, I might add, kept shoes on your feet during your bringin up years ;)

So, this winter, I wish you many happy, safe and well lubricated motoring miles!

Anonymous said...

WHOA! What alliteration your situation has evoked!

Heidi said...

The long comment here whisked me back in a flash to standing with my big brother in "the shop" behind our house and listening to him explain the combustion engine sitting in front of us. I did not understand one single word he said. But he was kind to try. Suz, I'm glad you changed your oil. And that you can experience fall. Everyone should get that experience although I prefer the colors in the foothills and santa ana nights. Miss you kiddo!