Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Behold the Lord

I was wanting to write a blog tonight...but wanted there to be some substance to it besides just pictures.  And I kept putting it off because there was nothing that was coming to mind.  Then my sweet fiance, Ben, sent me this text.  And inspiration struck.  

"If I am to be like Him, then God in His grace must do it, and the sooner I come to recognize it, the soner I will be delivered from another form of bondage.  Throw down every endeavor and say, I cannot do it, the more I try the farther I get from His likeness.  
What shall I do?  
Ah, the Holy Spirit says, You cannot do it;  just withdraw;  come out of it.  You have been in the arena, you have been endeavoring, you are a failure.  Come out and sit down. 
 And as you sit there, behold him.  
Look at him.  
Don't try to be like Him, just look at Him.  
Just be occupied with Him.  
Forget about trying to be like Him.  
Instead of letting that fill your mind and heart, let Him fill it.  Just behold Him, look upon him through the Word.  Come to the Word for one purpose... and that is to meet the Lord.  Not to get your mind crammed full of things about the sacred Word, but to come to it to meet the Lord.  Make it to be a medium, not of Biblical scholarship, but of fellowship with Christ.  
Behold the Lord."
-Norman Douty.  

And Ben's words that followed?  "That is how I want to journey."  

Wow.  First of all, I am marrying an amazing man who has a heart after God and seeks to know and be like Him like this.  

Second, I found this highly applicable and important to my own personal relationship with God.  When do I ever take the time to just sit with the Word.  Look at God.  Soak in time and relationship.  Stop trying.  Cease striving.  
And just be.  
This is a challenge for me.  But Norman Douty's words really resonated with me.  I was trained at a Bible school.  But knowledge means nothing if it isn't translated into practical use.  The Bible isn't a text book.  Sure, knowledge is helpful.  But at the end of the day, it is one of the most helpful tools in better understanding my God.  

Now on to pictures =)

Me and Ender!  Such a happy lil' guy! 

 Sometimes she gets all up in my face wanting to play.  

Ok, now on to the much desired house pictures.  Keep in mind, it is not fully decorated or filled like a normal house would be.  We're still working on it...baby steps. 

The outside of our lil' home. 

 Right inside the front door.  We have lots of windows letting in much natural light!

 Straight through the living room into the dining room.

 Our new table.  Yay Craigslist! 

 The very blue Kitchen.  Honestly, I would have never chosen it, but it's really sort of fun! 

 Once again, lots of windows for natural light!

 Main level bedroom.  It will eventually be the guest room.

Upstairs room.  This will be Ben and I's room.  

 It's got a great closet.  

 Our backyard from up above.  We have a detached garage and a nice fenced area for Sierra.

 The rad coat tree.  The tenant before us was going to remove it, but never had time.  I'm so glad she didn't!  I love it. 

 Basement laundry

 Our bright cheery basement with a sectioned off corner for Sierra.  It works perfect for keeping her home, in an enclosed area, but still have some freedom to walk around/stretch her legs.  

 Cousin Molly came to visit!  

 I love him!

 My brother, Johnny about to attack his car with the dirt devil. 

 They're so cute. 

 And always up for a good time. 


 Eating a "snack" at Chris & Rob's.  Our new favorite hotdog joint...just a few blocks from our new house! 

That's right! Ender is now one! 
 Silly boys were having too much fun with the balloons.  

 Ender apparently did not get the "cheesy grin" memo.  

 LOTS of balloons.  

 It might look like Ender was eager to get at his cake here.  
False.  He just wanted the candle.  With everyone watching him, he really didn't go after the cake too much. 

 He really wanted Daddy...

 And once he got a hold of him, wouldn't let him go!

 Later, after all the people went back to talking to him, Ender sat in a corner by himself and ate cake...

 ...and enjoyed it! 

 So serious

 Auntie Amy and Uncle Johnny being silly.  Karlina LOVED having them around!

 Always nice to have a house full of people.  Funny how a one-year-old's birthday becomes the excuse for adult friends to hang out. 

 Daddy capturing the precious memories

 Ender loving his toys!!

 Miss Kavya came to his party.  She was loving his toys too!

 Dad and Karlina putting together Ender's gift from Mimi and Papa.  
Jim learned the whole "read the instructions" thing from my dad...King of Instruction Reading.  

 Ben and his cute easter bunny ears!

 Ender loving the water table!

Had a classic Mac n' cheese lunch yesterday.  Kiddos loved it.  I loved it.  
Oh how they fill my days with joy!  I am so blessed to spend as much time with these kids as I have.  

until next time... i encourage myself (and you too) to spend time beholding the Lord.  setting aside time just to be with Him.  Soak Him up.  and then let him work transforming wonders in our lives. 


Anonymous said...

heysoos, thanks for the pictures and the words. In a land filled with the worship of many gods it is wonderful to know the One who will change us into His likeness. Thanks Ben, for the words. Be still an know that I am God... I miss you! 143
By the way, what's all of that white stuff in your back yard??!!??

Anonymous said...

Home seems so far away right now, even Minnesota feels like home! Great to view another grand baby milestone from India...Oh, how I miss you all! Total sensory overload here makes the quiet presence of Jesus all the more inviting. And so available, no matter where I find myself! What a journey it is!
love you,

Grant and Hannah Herrmann said...

your house is darling! :) thanks for posting pics.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you have a cute little home--thanks for sharing the pictures. Looking forward to next weekend. Love - Auntie

Unknown said...

Your place looks like it will be a great first house : )

Meg Dill said...

I was marveling at your shot of the backyard then realized you have a two story house. Silly me!
My brother often inspires me to be more like Jesus. you're right - he's one of the best! Blessings!