Saturday, October 29, 2011

sugar and spice and all that's nice

I love child-care...I really do. Mainly because the little darlings are so adorable and say the cutest things. (and the most frustrating things... that end up being cute too!)

Last night, I was babysitting my cousin's two kids. They are 4 and 1 and both super cute. big sister has an expansive vocabulary, and loves talking. little sister toddles around, expressing her opinion in some noise which I'm not even sure I can put a name to. She has gorgeous blue eyes and the cutest smile. Oh...and she enjoys running around naked when given the chance.

big sister wanted me to play Rapunzel with her last night (that is who she's gonna be for Halloween), and she wanted me to be Flynn. I informed her that I had never seen the movie and that I wasn't sure how the story went. She says, "Oh that's ok, I'll tell you about it." She then proceeds to narrate the entire story and what I'm supposed to do as Flynn. Sometimes I'd ad lib and she'd throw her hands up in exasperation, "Suzy...Ah! i mean FLYNN. that's not how it goes! you're supposed to stay sleeping and THEN i hit you with the frying pan!"


Finally bed-time came (i put little sister down much earlier, she was tired) and there was only a little bit of resistance. because she was unhappy, she wanted me to change her and brush her teeth...but as soon as I started, she insisted on doing it herself, because she is a big girl.

laying in bed, everything had to be just so: two clyde-frogs, orange blanket spread perfectly smooth, all the toy-story friends and a cup of cold water on the night stand. Then she told me about the cousins.
"We have family dinners on thursday...oooh yummmm so yummy. and i get to see Sasha and Fischer!" (she snuggles into my arm and smiles up at me)
"Fischer is just so cute! he's like this big" (she puts her hands about 6 inches apart)
"And then there's Sasha, she's my cousin, i love her. she's like this big." (hands at about a foot distance apart)
"and me...I'm this big!" (spreads her arms wide.)
"I'm the biggest because I'm four, and Sasha is only three. That makes me the biggest girl."

But she wouldn't stop talking, so I thought that leaving the room might help.

A few minutes later I hear the little footsteps,
"Suz, i need you to help me, my blanket got messed up."
we fix the blanket.

few minutes later...footsteps again.
J: "Suz, we forgot something really REALLY important."
Me: "J, you cannot get out of bed any's time to sleep. what important thing did you forget..."
J: "Um...prayers! we can't forget our prayers before bed.
Me: (feeling a little sheepish that I didn't remember that) "You're right. ok lets say prayers, hop back up in bed."
J: "No...we kneel for prayers."

After prayers:
Me: "Ok J, kisses and hugs. i love you...and i love babysitting you!"
J: "I love you babysitting me too! and i love you. goodnight suz!"

So sweet. I realized that while being a parent can be challenging (especially when dealing with an opinionated, articulate 4-year-old)...but this girl has got the sweetest heart. It has got to be rewarding too.

Thanks Bec and John for letting me enjoy your girls. They have been raised well...and are truly sweet little girls. love you all!


Anonymous said...

"No...we kneel for prayers!" great post, and this line tugged at my heart most! From the mouth of babes...

Heidi said...

Now you understand the magic in these two dear hearts. . . can't help but laugh, and be amused at what comes out of a 4 year old's heart. But sometimes it takes a bit of patience, and then she gets lovey and how can you resist? I don't get Flynn and all either so I suppose I take a bit of patience too! And the little one - I just can't wait to hear what all it is she's trying so hard to say! One of these days! You're a good big cousin, Suzy, and you're making an indelible impression on these two little ones! Thanks for sharing!